Red Cross Disaster Action Teams — First On-site When Disaster Strikes
John Moss Walthen IV graduated from the Pennsylvania State University in 2017 with a bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering, and is currently training for his pilot’s license at the ATP Flight School in the greater Boston area. He enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking, as well as fishing. John Walthen IV volunteered with the Red Cross for several years as a volunteer and on-site coordinator for blood drives, and as a disaster action team (DAT) member.
The Red Cross responds to approximately 60,000 disasters in the US every year, most of which are personal emergencies like home fires. When such disasters strike, the Red Cross alerts members of a local DAT, who serve as the organization’s first point of contact with those who have been harmed or displaced by the emergency. DAT members usually provide the first assistance on the ground, helping to arrange for food, shelter, or financial assistance if needed. Among the duties they perform are assessments of damage and the initiation of casework to ensure that the needs of those affected are properly addressed.
DAT volunteers must be at least 18 years old, hold a valid driver’s license, and be capable of working at a disaster scene. They should be able to work well within a team, have good interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills, and be able to establish working relationships with a wide variety of people under challenging circumstances. They should be available for four to six hours weekly for assignments and training. Further details about volunteering to become a DAT member are available online at
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Posted on Disaster Strikes disaster action team (DAT)
Originally published at on February 8, 2021.